Weetbix Kids

Work Life Harmony

Trying to fit in time for my family when I lived in Wellington was only possible on the weekends and even then there were some concessions required. Work & commuter exhaustion from the week often lead me to struggle to find the energy to engage with my two young children’s active lifestyle and on top of that, my children were craving for attention from their father who only saw them at bedtime.

Fast forward 3 years and as a professional Working from Home’r (WFHer) i can say that I am close to achieving my harmony for work life. My children wake and I am still in the house. I make them breakfast every day (usually baked beans, spagetti or eggs on toast), and I walk them to school every morning. I collect them from school when my wife cant, otherwise they greet me in my office when they get home from school. It is such a natural thing for them now that “daddy” at home is the norm. In fact they are confused when I have actually gone into an office for the day. One of the greatest benefits (besides all of the above) is being there for their special moments. And so I share with you all one of these moments that I was able to make because working from home allows me to do this.

My son Kahurangi (7) on the left with his older cousin Tāwera (10) on the right
Weetbix Kids